Friday, September 23, 2011

Maryland Legislators Arrested

In order to assure that the Maryland legislature didn't vote for succession and leave Washington City on an island and surrounded by the Confederate states, President Lincoln ordered the arrest of key legilators. They were incarcerated in the prison at Fort McHenry. When the state government met in Frederick on September 17, 1861 only eleven answered roll call. Without a quorem, there was no vote.

Several Baltimore residents were also jailed for secession leanings, along with the editor of the secessionist newspaper, The South and Baltimore Mayor George Brown for "complicity with those in armed rebellion against the government."

Secretary of War Simon Cameron said of the arrests "The passage of any act of secession by the Legislature of Maryland must be prevented. If necessary all or any part of the members must be arrested."

Ironically Maryland Governor Thomas Hicks and many of the regional newspapers supported the action of the Lincoln administration.

1 comment:

  1. One wonders if this would apply to those modern communities who effectively secede from the union by declaring themselves to be sanctuary states, counties, etc.
