Friday, December 13, 2013

The president delivered his annual state of the country message to Congress

The president's annual state of the country message to Congress was delivered to both houses on December 9. The message included news of improved conditions of national affairs as well as new treaties with foreign governments including Spain, Chile, Peru, Nicaragua, and Columbia. Additionally the U.S. had a new treaty with Great Britain regarding the suppression of African slave trade.

The president reported that the blockade was increasingly successful and that construction of new war vessels was proceeding  And while the war was still an on-gong vital concern, the president laid out his amnesty plan which included the following: allowing for amnesty for those taking the oath of allegiance, with certain exceptions; those exceptions being for Confederate government officials and those found to have been mistreating colored prisoners of war; not opposing the re-establishment governments in those states of rebellion that were operated by free people; and that Congress would have the sole power to allow those re-established governments to be admitted to Congress.

He was also feeling well enough to begin seeing visitors.


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