Friday, May 9, 2014

The incident at Fort Pillow is discussed by the Cabinet

At the Cabinet meeting this week, Mr. Lincoln presented each Cabinet member with a report of the atrocities at Fort Pillow, TN where a number of U.S. Colored Troops were reportedly massacred after they had surrendered. He was looking for their input on what the course of the government should be in response to that troubling action by the Confederates. Several days later, each member offered their response out loud to the other members of the Cabinet.

This week the Marine band resumed their concert series on the White House grounds.  The concerts had been put on hold for some time. The crowd enthusiastically welcomed their patriotic and uplifting musical renditions. Instead of speaking, Mr. Lincoln calls for and receives three cheers for General Grant and the armies under his command.

Mr. Lincoln receives very unfavorable news of the Union army's actions at the Wilderness. He retires with what he said was a "saddened heart."

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